Ring Sizing Gauge
This multi-size adjustable finger gauge is ideal for determining the ring size of anyone who can’t come into our store to have their finger measured. It saves everyone’s time by helping to avoid unnecessary resizing due to inaccurate ring sizing. We ship or it can be picked up in person at any of our booth shows; you simply adjusts the sizer to fit the desired finger and return it to us via mail or simply take a photo and email it back to us. The price of the gauge will be deducted from the final price of any custom order placed. The plastic finger gauge measures U.S. sizes 1–17 in half-size increments; the increments are clearly marked.
This multi-size adjustable finger gauge is ideal for determining the ring size of anyone who can’t come into our store to have their finger measured. It saves everyone’s time by helping to avoid unnecessary resizing due to inaccurate ring sizing. We ship or it can be picked up in person at any of our booth shows; you simply adjusts the sizer to fit the desired finger and return it to us via mail or simply take a photo and email it back to us. The price of the gauge will be deducted from the final price of any custom order placed. The plastic finger gauge measures U.S. sizes 1–17 in half-size increments; the increments are clearly marked.
This multi-size adjustable finger gauge is ideal for determining the ring size of anyone who can’t come into our store to have their finger measured. It saves everyone’s time by helping to avoid unnecessary resizing due to inaccurate ring sizing. We ship or it can be picked up in person at any of our booth shows; you simply adjusts the sizer to fit the desired finger and return it to us via mail or simply take a photo and email it back to us. The price of the gauge will be deducted from the final price of any custom order placed. The plastic finger gauge measures U.S. sizes 1–17 in half-size increments; the increments are clearly marked.