If there is a specific stone that you are looking for, please reach out to me. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean I don’t have it.

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Larimar is a rare variety of blue Pectolite.

An earth-healing stone, Larimar connects us with nature and counteracts imbalances in the energy of the earth. The stone helps to heal and tone the throat by opening up the throat chakra, promoting self-confidence and encouraging one to express their deepest fears and truths. Especially helpful in removing constraints and blockages, Larimar assists us in taking control of our lives, dissolving self-sabotaging behavior, removing fear and alleviating guilt.

Larimar is a wonderful meditation stone as it quickly and effortlessly calms one’s mind and bestows peace. Naturally raising consciousness and facilitating communication with the angelic realms, Larimar brings harmony and assists in balancing one’s energies, unifying male and female characteristics. The stone is excellent for clearing the meridians and removing energy blocks, particularly in the head, neck and chest. Larimar embraces love and joy, opening up the heart and allowing one to express unconditional love.


Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra




Master Number 55


Dominican Republic

Typical Colors

Blue, bluish-white, green-blue, white, grey

Healing Properties

♥ Facilitating Inner Wisdom & Outer Manifestation

One in a Million

Stones come in a wide variety of structures, patterns and colors. Each stone is different from one to the next, like a snowflake.

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