If there is a specific stone that you are looking for, please reach out to me. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean I don’t have it.

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Labradorite is a Feldspar mineral and in a white matrix often called "Rainbow Moonstone". There is a particular variety of Labradorite from Finland called Spectrolite. 

A transformation stone, Labradorite is useful when experiencing change, imparting strength and determination to the wearer. The stone helps to balance and protect the aura while raising awareness and grounding spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition and promoting psychic abilities, Labradorite is a powerful revealer of illusions and banisher of fears and insecurities, strengthening faith in ourselves and the universe.

Labradorite encourages imagination while calming overactive minds, aiding in the development of enthusiasm and stimulation of creative thought. The stone treats eye and brain disorders, stimulates mental acuity and relieves stressful anxiety while regulating metabolism, balancing hormones and relieving menstrual pain. Labradorite aids in the treatment of colds, gout, and rheumatism, helps to lower blood pressure, and assists in digestion.


Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra


Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius






Number 6, Number 7

Typical Colors

Pale green, blue, colorless, grey-white: with iridescent blue or gold flashes

Healing Properties

♥ Transformation ♥ Promotes Psychic Abilities ♥ Strengthens Our Will ♥ Stimulates Imagination ♥ Calming


One in a Million

Stones come in a wide variety of structures, patterns and colors. Each stone is different from one to the next, like a snowflake.

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